Future Leaders is a program benefitting ASA Members by preparing the next generation of leaders to lead effectively. The Program will provide an opportunity for Future Leaders to gain a well-rounded understanding of the construction industry while building a network of professional contacts in an organized curriculum format.
Members will develop skills to utilize in current and future roles where they can challenge themselves with a diverse group of industry peers.
Each ASA Member company contributes $500.00 per person for the 2024 year attending the Program to not only ensure each company is dedicated to the Future Leader consistently attending meetings, but also to fund the Program while creating a budget for the group to manage.
When we are not able to provide free or sponsored events, cost will cover:
Contact the chair, Ann Hicks with Hicks Resource Consulting : ahicks@hicksrc.com
Click the link below for the Future Leaders Application:
ASA Future Leaders Application.pdf
Email filled out application to ahicks@hicksrc.com and beverly@asa-northtexas.org
Future Leaders 2025 Calendar.pdf